Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Dawn of a New Era..

Well, the time has come for me to bid U.S. History goodbye for the time being and welcome AP European History into my life. Now in my own personal opinion I must admit U.S. History and I do not have the best relationship (whether it be because I'd rather live in Europe, or simplly because I'm an unpatriotic-country-hating-soon-to-be-arrested-by-the-FBI-and-CIA-heathen... or possibly both). The point is I've always been a more World History kind of gal, the type that likes to consider more of the world than simply one's own relatively insignificant country. Though European history isn't necessarily World history, it is one step closer and I have a feeling it will concern a much broader scope than the tax laws of Wisconsin in the 1900s. Of course it is more than likely that half-way through the year you will find me ranting and raving about how much I hate European History and the waste of time it is blah blah blah... the usual AP class workloaded panic. For now though, I can hope for the best and start the class with some eagerness. So it is time for me to bid adieu to "History Cram APUSH" and bring forth the new and improved "History Cram AP Euro". I'll still leave some APUSH links up for those who need to get their patriotic fix, but from now on this blog has a new focus. *cracks open a bottle of champagne* Au Revior mon amis!

1 comment:

eMJay said...

Dude, I'd love you to death if you updated, I'm pulling another all nighter and it'd be a brighter night if I had some reference. I'm not one to exaggerate but my Professor is a total monster, the whole chapter over the weekend and quiz on Monday, tuesday essay questions (10 of them) wednesday review and exam thurdays and fridays, I understand it's a AP Class but the class is only 45 minutes long and I'm taking several other courses.
I'd love love love you to death if you could update your page.